
Welcome to Maths at Frederick Bremer School. Our curriculum aims to be coherent and connected to develop mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem solving. We are committed to facilitating students to make connections with their learning within maths, with other subjects and with real life situations.

Mathematics is a universal language that enables understanding of the world. Beyond the study of numbers, shapes and patterns, it provides the essential tools for work in fields such as engineering, physics, architecture, medicine and business. It nurtures the development of a logical and methodical mindset, as well as helping to inculcate focus and the ability to solve all manner of problems.

The Maths Department hope to instil the love and appreciation of Maths through their experience at Bremer.


Mathematical knowledge and skills through our curriculum are considered as an interconnected web rather than individual stand-alone topics. The key strands covered in all year groups are Number, Algebra, Geometry, Probability, Statistics and Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change.

For further details regarding the curriculum please call or email the head of department, Mr Haque.

Staff List

Mr F Haque – Head of Department
Mrs K Phillips – Maths Second-in-Department & Key Stage 3 Lead
Miss Harriman – Maths Key Stage 4 Lead
Ms R Mills – Maths Teacher and SENCO
Ms H Dhedhi – Maths Teacher
Mr A Kercani – Maths Teacher
Mr D Michaux– Maths Teacher
Ms O’Leary – Maths Teacher
Mr P Love – Maths Teacher

Key Information

Exam Board: Edexcel
Course Structure: All classes have 4 lessons per week.

Pupil “Setting”

The Maths Department teaches students in “sets” that are determined by attainment. We approach this very carefully and purposefully plan our curriculum to make sure that every child, in every classroom, is challenged to make significant progress.

We evaluate and review the classes after every assessment point throughout the year as well as use teacher feedback to ensure that all students can reach their full potential and support them to “be the best they can be.”

Our set structure is different for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4, and is as follows:

Key Stage 3

All students in KS3 will be set according to 4 “Bands”, based on Mathematical ability. Our Scheme of Work is differentiated so that the content covered in all bands is the same but the topics may be covered at a different pace or with extra layers of support or challenge in order to facilitate the variety of abilities in the year group.

These bands have been allocated according to a number of factors including:

  • Performance in assessments
  • Working grades
  • Key Stage 2 results

Each Band is split into 2 halves, – side “X” and side “Y”. There is no distinction between the halves of the Band, other than just to be able to evenly allocate the year group.

Please find below a breakdown of the Bands as well as the class codes that will show on your child’s timetable.

Band Codes for KS3

Extend X Ex Ey Exyend Y
Core X Cx Cy Core Y
Develop X Dx Dy Develop Y
Nurture N N  

Key Stage 4

In Key Stage 4, all students will be allocated across 7 sets in each year, ranging from Set 1 through to Set 7.

Again, these sets will be allocated using the same criteria as Key Stage 3 classes are (see above), and students will have opportunities to move sets according to performance in termly assessments and teacher input.

In terms of whether students sit the higher or foundation tier, we make an informed decision based on prior assessments and teacher input.

Please find below a breakdown of the KS4 sets as well as the class codes that will show on your child’s timetable.

Band Codes for KS4

XMa1 Set 1
XMa2 Set 2
XMa3 Set 3
XMa4 Set 4
XMa5 Set 5
XMa6 Set 6
XMa7 Set 7


All students will be set Homework on Sparx Maths, which is a personalised Maths Homework system which has been independently verified to boost Maths grades. You can find further information on Sparx website.

Students in Key Stage 3 will be set between 30-40min of Sparx Homework every week whereas students in Key Stage 4 will be set between 40min – 1 hour of Sparx Homework every week. Furthermore, students in Year 11 will have additional exam paper-based tasks to complete on top of their Sparx Homework (the length of homework will be altered to make it more manageable).


  • Termly Summative Assessments based on the topics they’ve covered up to that point
  • Mini progress checks approximately every 3 weeks that are based on the topics they’ve covered over the previous weeks

How can you help your child?

There are various ways you can help your child from home:

  • Check they have all relevant equipment (including a protractor and scientific calculator)
  • Ensure they complete homework on time and to the best of their ability (due on Tuesdays).
  • Prior to termly assessments, encourage students to utilise the revision lists which are shared with students on Google Classroom.
  • After assessments are marked and returned, encourage students to use their analysis sheets to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. We would encourage the use of Sparx Maths for this.
  • Regular use of Sparx Maths’ “Independent Revision” function.
  • Contact their class teacher if you have any further queries.

What careers can this lead to?

Due to the many skills that Maths uses and develops, there are many careers that having a sound foundation in Maths can prepare you for. These include, but are not limited to:

Finance, banking and Accounting
Engineering and architecture
Data analysis and statistics
Medicine and pharmaceuticals
Programming, Software development, IT


Pupils may also like to use any of the following websites to help further their knowledge:

Sparx Maths
Corbett Maths
Mathed Up